Mis dotfiles

Hago públicos mis “dotfiles” Puede que no te sorprenda, en el fondo ya llevo tiempo teniéndolos públicos, pero hace un par de meses cambié mi forma de lidiar con ellos y estoy contento con cómo están quedando, así que ahora estarán públicos por si quieres inspirarte (guiño guiño). Qué vienen siendo los dotfiles? Pregunta sin miedo! En resumidas cuentas, son los archivos de configuración que se usan en Linux1. Se les llama así porque van precedidos por un punto, que se interpreta como que son archivos ocultos....

2025-02-28 · 4 min · Appuchia

Getting the max speed of a way using Overpass API

The idea This video from a really nice channel I follow popped up on my YouTube feed, it was a neat idea, and I thought showing the max speed as well as the current speed would be really useful. The first thing I needed was to get the current location, but I know it’s relatively easy to do once you have a GPS module. So the next thing I needed was to get the max speed of the road I’m on....

2025-01-20 · 3 min · Appuchia

My preferences

This post is a collection of my preferences on some aspects. It will be updated as I explore more and have some more opinions that I want to share. Feel free to tell me why you don’t agree with me in the comments. Dates and times Dates and times are really well defined in the ISO 8601 standard. Dates are represented as YYYY-MM-DD and times as HH:MM:SS. For full timestamps, the date and time are separated by a T and the timezone is appended at the end....

2024-07-21 · 2 min · Appuchia

NFS and SMB shares

Creating a NFS share is quite easy, and it’s a fast way to share files between Linux hosts, and apparently even with recent Windows machines (untested). Samba (SMB) is the native way to do it in Windows, but comes with some more overhead which reduces its file transfer speeds (untested). NFS Required packages The required packages are the following: # Arch Linux sudo pacman -S nfs-utils # Debian and derivatives (Ubuntu, etc....

2023-11-06 · 4 min · Appuchia

The Mysterium dVPN

In the last days I set up a node of a decentralized VPN using the Mysterium network. This was mainly to get profits from the Internet bandwidth I don’t use and to help provide freedom of speech for those who need it. What is Mysterium? Mysterium is ‘a global, distributed network powered by everyday people. Network participants are incentivised to share their resources in a supply and demand marketplace, helping others gain access to the open internet’....

2022-05-30 · 6 min · Appuchia

Protecting your server

I recently watched a NetworkChuck’s video where he explained how to protect your linux server (Dedicated to Ubuntu, but I plan on covering more than just that distro), so I thought that I could do some sort of writeup of the video as well as extend the info that is shown in it. Securing your linux server is an essential aspect to keep it running and to avoid any infiltrations in your network that could lead to data breaches, which nobody wants....

2022-05-19 · 10 min · Appuchia

Endlessh: SSH Honeypot

What’s this Endlessh is a piece of software that sets up a ssh honeypot for all the random people that may try to attack you by trying common username and password combinations to see if they can get access. In return, this program slows their access down hugely, and in a way someone with a script to do the attack won’t notice (most people doing these kind of attacks will be using scripts)....

2022-04-13 · 5 min · Appuchia